Welcome to Chris' 2023-2024 Clipper Round the World Race!
Thank you for joining me on my Clipper Round the World sailing race adventure! From the initial "wow, this might be something I can do" moment in the spring of 2019, persevering through a global pandemic, and several years of delay, I am now in the final preparation, months away from leaving on this race, set to begin on September 3rd, 2023!
This is my race blog site, where I'll share with you as much as I can about the race, my preparation, thoughts, highs and lows of my experiences during the race. I've never blogged before, so this is a new experience for me...thank you for indulging me.
Join me as we circumnavigate the world together! Thank You!
My Clipper Race
My Race Philanthropy
Philanthropy is an important tenet of the Clipper Race. From our sustainability pledge to the community service events the crews do in port, we focus on building a better world. I am dedicated to raising $40,000 ($1 for each kilometer around the world) for UNICEF and the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research.